Wednesday, April 24, 2019

ENDERS 'Rite Of Reign' is finally streaming on Spotify and Apple Music

 ENDERS 'Rite Of Reign' streaming on Spotify and Apple Music

This cyberpunk machine known as ENDERS is certainly full of surprises.

Four years to the day after it was released, ENDERS debut "Rite Of Reign" album is finally available on all major streaming platforms.

Until now, "Rite Of Reign" was exclusively on Bandcamp, the streaming service.
It's now available on Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer and many more online music outlets.
This new move brings the machine's ambitious concept album -- which explores issues of sentient machines gaining a foothold in reality -- to a much wider world-wide audience.

The re-release also features an original demo of "Process Code" and a remix of  the intro track"Come Around" by B Lowd. The remix by B Lowd picks up the low end and moves the song's "sombre hip-hop" vibe to a more "dub" territory. The new "Rite Of Reign" follows last month's release of "Timewave Zero" ENDERS single about the entropy of the material flesh.
 All this activity certainly has the cyberpunk community buzzing.

Stay on the look out for the other 2 current ENDERS albums to release world-wide on these networks in the very near future, followed by the long anticipated 4th studio album generated by the cybernetic music machine known only as ENDERS.

Stay tuned for more updates, here and/or on all official ENDERS social media pages: